Fashion Emergency

Fashion Emergency
The Point Where I Stand

Thessa Cribe-Murray

Thessa Cribe-Murray

Party The Night Away

Party The Night Away

Murray and Parker

Murray and Parker
Thesis Buds-A Friend

Animo Mass Comm!

Animo Mass Comm!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

First Step into the Blog-world

Finally! I have created my first and only blog. I am hoping to update this everyday and be able to come up with good write-ups.

Thanks to Mr. Sanchez for making this happen. To my parents, my ate, ISP bonanza my sponsor, the people who became major distractions during the finishing touches because they kept on calling me up, texting and calling me out for a Saturday Night Parrrtey! And of course, to our Almighty God for keeping me focused when all of my friends were a major pain in the ass and for giving me strength to refuse a Saturday Night Out! Whew!


Mighty Thor™ said...

Am... all i can say about this blog is the best and wonderfull... it shows the personality of the maker and so creative... it makes me think so different in seeing this blog...
it is a great work for a beginner.

"it is sImplE but it RoCkS"

Thessa Cribe said...

whoa.. thanks thor! ahaha. told you you'd do great. see you soon.