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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Theories of Mass Communication

As a Communication major, I agree in the introduction that says, “Mass communication is a major source of information, companionship and entertainment.” Because based from the course I am pursuing, these are the points wherein we are told to focus on. We need to give accurate information, specifically news which is the most important part of media because people relay on the broadcast journalists and therefore should only give them true and honest news. Mass Communication is a major source of companionship because unlike other people, they leave. While media stays with you as long as you want it to. When no one is around and when you are feeling bored, you can just press the remote and poof! There goes your favorite TV program/movie that will accompany you through the rest of the day. Also, mass communication is a major source of entertainment, mainly because you get to entertain by your favorite TV shows, movies, music TV, etc. When you have a problem and you tend to escape from it, you turn on the television and watch comedy shows/movies. In that way, you escape from your problems by the entertainment that the comedy show/movie provides you.

Let us go to the theory of Marshall McLuhan called, Technological Determinism. The theory states that technology – specifically, media – decisively shapes how individuals think, feel, and act and how societies organize themselves and operate. I say that in a way, McLuhan is right primarily because that is what’s happening to the world nowadays. What people get from media/TV is what you get from them. They tend to imitate the things, actions, etc. that are shown on screen. Like the way celebrities act, the way they dress, their make-up and many more. Some people also imitate the way politicians argue based from what they see on television. Some argue with a point to get into while others argue for nothing. I think that everything now, we can get from technology-media.

In contrast to the Technological Determinism theory of Marshall McLuhann that is broadly concerned with any and all media that affect individual and collective sensory adaptation came Cultivation theory. The theory focuses on ways in which the specific medium of television cultivates basic world views. It also concentrates exclusively on television, a medium it regards as a uniquely influential socializing agent of the culture. It also says that watching television over a long period of time has effects on viewers’ beliefs and world views. This I agree because there came a time wherein I watched television the whole day, it was a Sunday and everything else fell based on the TV programs I was watching. It was like everything I see on screen, I agree. I didn’t feel like objecting, I became a passive audience. It really affected my beliefs and views in life. It was like everything they say is true and honest that I accepted everything positively.

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